After a very successful first round of the Tournament of Champions in DuBois during Community Days, the DuBois Dream are ready to take it up a notch on the road as they will be partnering with the Old Fashioned 4th of July 3v3 Basketball Tournament in Brockway, PA, on Saturday, July 3rd. This will mark the first of hopefully many Tournament of Champions Rounds to take place outside of DuBois, and will come with much excitement as this partnership with different towns and events takes shape moving forward. To coincide with the well-established Brockway Old Fashioned 4th of July 3v3 Basketball Tournament, the Divisions for Round 2 will be as follows:
Elementary Bracket (Boys and Girls)
7th-8th Grade Boys
7th-8th Grade Girls
High School Boys
Open Women’s (HS and Up)
Open Men’s (College and Up)
*On-site registration will begin at 8:00am for all Divisions and Game Times will start at 9:00am
With 6 courts available, each Division will get started as soon as registration closes, with the younger divisions playing a majority of their games first. Cost for the Old Fashioned 4th of July 3v3 is $10.00 per person which goes to the “Brockway Basketball Booster Club” and will include a t-shirt. Winning teams in each Division will receive a Championship T-shirt as well as an automatic bid to the Tournament of Champions Finals at the end of July. Runners-up in each Division will also be invited to the Tournament of Champions Finals. To read more on the Round 1 Division Winners and who the Brockway Finalists will take on in the Tournament of Champions Finals, check out the RECAP HERE.
Online Registration for the Tournament of Champions is highly recommended prior to confirming your on-site registration on July 3rd in Brockway, so please fill out the information for your team here.
For more information on Round 2 Rules and the Brockway Old Fashioned 4th of July 3v3 Basketball Tournament click the links below.
Also, make sure you keep an eye out for “Busketball” and Dreamy as they will be making their return at the Brockway 3v3 and Parade.