On September 28th the DuBois Dream will be hosting Tryouts for potential players for the 2019-2020 Season. This is the first Tryout the Dream will be hosting outside of DuBois since they started their Organization back in 2016 and they are excited to be expanding their reach later this month. “We have had a lot of talent come through DuBois for our Tryouts the past three seasons and we thought it was only right to try and bring our Dream organization closer to the talent this time,” DuBois Dream Owner Albert Varacallo III said when referencing the reason for the location change for the first Tryout this offseason.
“Our first season we had a lot of talent from the Pittsburgh area play for our Team and it really helped us become more competitive,” Varacallo stated, “Pittsburgh has a lot of talented basketball players so I cannot wait to see who shows up on the 28th.”
While preparing for their fourth season, there have been rumors swirling about the Premier Basketball League making a comeback in the Northeast Region. When discussing the possibility of a PBL comeback Varacallo said, “it is a very real possibility.” Varacallo continued, “it was disappointing the PBL stopped its play in 2017 after our first season, because it was right below the G-League as far as impact and talent level in the States. There have been some great conversations over the past few months about bringing the PBL back, and I am really hopeful that it will happen.”
Joining the DuBois Dream in Pittsburgh for their Tryout will be Owners of the Chautauqua Hurricane (Sixto Rosario) and Lancaster Thunder (David Fant). “I think having Sixto and David at the Tryout will be a great addition, because although we battle on the court during the Season, they are just good people and run great Organizations themselves, so I am excited to be teaming up with them during the offseason for our Pittsburgh Tryout, and on October 26th for the Erie Tryout,” Varacallo stated.
Registration for the upcoming DuBois Dream Tryout can be found at: https://forms.gle/X4wcvtdu8GCVDzwh7
Tryout Time and Location: 10am-2pm at Phillips Park Community Center, 201 Parkfield St., Pittsburgh, PA 15210
Cost for the Tryout will be $50 (Pre-Registration) or $75 at the door.
To find out more info about the DuBois Dream e-mail info@duboisdream.com or follow us on social media (@DuBoisDream).
DuBois Dream 2018 Tryout Recap